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This page demonstrates the usage of docker-compose for Node.js.


docker-compose current supports these commands:

  • buildAll(options) - Build or rebuild services
  • buildMany(services, options) - Build or rebuild services
  • buildOne(service, options) - Build or rebuild service
  • config(options) - Validates configuration files and returns configuration yaml
  • configServices(options) - Returns list of services defined in configuration files
  • configVolumes(options) - Returns list of volumes defined in configuration files
  • createAll(options) - Create or recreate services
  • createMany(services, options) - Create or recreate services
  • createOne(service, options) - Create or recreate service
  • down(options) - Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up
  • exec(container, command, options) - Exec command inside container - uses -T to properly handle stdin & stdout
  • kill(options) - Force stop service containers
  • images(options) - Show all created images
  • logs(services, options) - Show logs of service(s) - use options.follow true|false to turn on --follow flag
  • pauseOne(service, options) - Pause the specified service
  • port(service, containerPort, options) - Returns the public port of the given service and internal port.
  • ps(options) - Lists containers information
  • pullAll(options) - Pull all service images
  • pullMany(services, options) - Pull service images specified
  • pullOne(service, options) - Pull a service image
  • restartAll(options) - Restart all services
  • restartMany(services, options) - Restart services
  • restartOne(service, options) - Restart service
  • rm(options, services) - Remove stopped service containers - always uses the -f flag due to non interactive mode - services can optionally be used to select the containers to remove
  • run(service, command, options) - Run a one-off command on a service - uses -T to properly handle stdin & stdout
  • stop(options) - Stop running containers without removing them
  • stopOne(service, options) - Stops one container without removing it
  • stopMany(options,services) - Stops containers without removing them
  • unpauseOne(service, options) - Resume the specified service
  • upAll(options) - Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for all services - always uses the -d flag due to non interactive mode
  • upMany(services, options) - Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for the services specified in services - always uses the -d flag due to non interactive mode
  • upOne(service, options) - Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service specified in service - always uses the -d flag due to non interactive mode
  • version(options) - Show docker-compose version strings
  • stats(service) - Show service container stats

All commands return a Promise({object}) with stdout and stderr strings and an exit code:

  out: 'stdout contents',
  err: 'stderr contents',
  exitCode: 0, // !== 0 in case of an error

Although the return type is a Promise, it is still possible to get the process progres before the Promise resolves, by passing a callback function to the optional callback parameter.


To start service containers based on the docker-compose.yml file in your current directory, just call compose.up like this:

compose.upAll({ cwd: path.join(__dirname), log: true })
    () => { console.log('done')},
    err => { console.log('something went wrong:', err.message)}

To get process progress

   cwd: path.join(__dirname),
   callback: (chunk: Buffer) => {
     console.log('job in progres: ', chunk.toString())
    () => { console.log('job done')},
    err => { console.log('something went wrong:', err.message)}

To execute command inside a running container:

compose.exec('node', 'npm install', { cwd: path.join(__dirname) })


docker-compose accepts these params:

  • cwd {string}: mandatory folder path to the docker-compose.yml
  • executablePath {string}: optional path to docker-compose executable in case it's not located in $PATH /path/to/docker-compose
  • config {(string|string[])}: custom and/or multiple yml files can be specified (relative to cwd)
  • configAsString {string}: configuration can be provided as is, instead of relying on a file. In case configAsString is provided config will be ignored.
  • [log] {boolean}: optional setting to enable console logging (output of docker-compose stdout/stderr output)
  • [composeOptions] string[]|Array<string|string[]: pass optional compose options like "--verbose" or [["--verbose"], ["--log-level", "DEBUG"]] or ["--verbose", ["--loglevel", "DEBUG"]] for all commands.
  • [callback] (chunk: Buffer, sourceStream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr') => void: optional callback function, that provides infromation about the process while it is still runing.
  • [commandOptions] string[]|Array<string|string[]: pass optional command options like "--build" or [["--build"], ["--timeout", "5"]] or ["--build", ["--timeout", "5"]] for the up command. Viable commandOptions depend on the command (up, down etc.) itself


ps(options) - Lists containers for a Compose project, with current status and exposed ports.

ps returns a Promise of TypedDockerComposeResult<DockerComposePsResult>.

A basic example looks like this:

const result = await{ cwd: path.join(__dirname) }) => {
  console.log(, service.command, service.state, service.ports)
  // state is e.g. 'Up 2 hours'

The resolved result might look like this (for v2):

    exitCode: 0,
    err: '',
    out: 'NAME                 IMAGE                 COMMAND                                          SERVICE   CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS\n' +
    `compose_test_proxy   nginx:1.19.9-alpine   "/ nginx -g 'daemon off;'"   proxy     1 second ago   Up Less than a second   80/tcp\n` +
    `compose_test_web     nginx:1.16.0          "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"                         web       1 second ago   Up Less than a second>80/tcp,>443/tcp\n`,
    data: {
        services: [
                name: 'compose_test_proxy',
                command: `"/ nginx -g 'daemon off;'"`,
                state: 'Up Less than a second',
                ports: [ { exposed: { port: 80, protocol: 'tcp' } } ]
                name: 'compose_test_web',
                command: `"nginx -g 'daemon off;'"`,
                state: 'Up Less than a second',
                ports: [
                        exposed: { port: 80, protocol: 'tcp' },
                        mapped: { port: 80, address: '' }
                        exposed: { port: 443, protocol: 'tcp' },
                        mapped: { port: 443, address: '' }

Only v2: If you need a defined state, you can use the --format json command option. This will return one of the defined states paused | restarting | removing | running | dead | created | exited as the state of a service.

const result = await{ cwd: path.join(__dirname), commandOptions: [["--format", "json"]] }) => {
  console.log(, service.command, service.state, service.ports)
  // state is one of the defined states: paused | restarting | removing | running | dead | created | exited